Mengnan Du

Mengnan Du

Assistant Professor

New Jersey Institute of Technology

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Data Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), with a joint appointment in the Department of Computer Science. I lead the Trustworthy Machine Learning Research Lab (TMLR lab). Before that, I earned the Ph.D. in Computer Science from Texas A&M University, under the supervision of Dr. Xia Hu. I have previously worked/interned with companies such as MSR, Adobe Research, and Intel. I also work closely with Dr. Ben Shneiderman of University of Maryland, and developed a website for Human-Centered AI.

My research interests lie within the domain of trustworthy machine learning, with a particular emphasis on explainability, fairness, and robustness. Additionally, I am intrigued by the intersection of trustworthy machine learning with large language models (LLMs). We summarize our recent efforts in trustworthy LLMs here.

I am actively seeking motivated PhD students and interns. If you are interested in working with me, please feel free to email me. Please check here for more details.


10/2024: Invited to serve as AISTATS 2025 Area Chair
10/2024: Invited to serve as MIDL 2025 Area Chair
09/2024: One paper accepted by EMNLP 2024
08/2024: One paper accepted by IEEE TSC
07/2024: Papers accepted by COLM, CIKM and TKDD
06/2024: Grateful to receive the Cisco Research Award
05/2024: Two papers accepted by ACL Findings 2024
05/2024: Grateful to receive Outstanding Achievement in Research Award of NJIT Ying Wu College of Computing
05/2024: One paper accepted by ICML 2024
04/2024: Grateful to receive NJIT Faculty Seed Grant Award
03/2024: One paper accepted by NAACL Findings 2024
02/2024: Two papers accepted by COLING 2024
02/2024: Check preprint about our position on LLM explainability
01/2024: Papers accepted by TPAMI, TAI and ICLR
11/2023: Our survey paper on LLM Explainability gets accepted by ACM TIST
11/2023: Invited to serve as a Senior Program Committee Member for IJCAI-24
11/2023: One workshop proposal gets accepted by WWW 2024
09/2023: One paper accepted by NeurIPS 2023
09/2023: One paper accepted by NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks track
09/2023: Our workshop proposal on “Responsible Language Models” has been accepted by AAAI 2024
08/2023: Grateful to receive an NSF III medium grant as NJIT PI
08/2023: Two papers accepted by CIKM 2023
07/2023: Invited to be a reviewer for Nature Communications
07/2023: One paper accepted by ECAI 2023
06/2023: Two papers accepted by ECML-PKDD 2023
05/2023: One paper on shortcut learning of large language models (LLMs) gets accepted by Communications of the ACM
05/2023: One paper on LLMs fairness accepted by ACL 2023
04/2023: Grateful to receive one NJIT Faculty Seed Grant Award
04/2023: One paper accepted by ICML 2023
04/2023: One paper accepted by IJCAI 2023
03/2023: Serving as Editorial Board Member of Journal of Information Analysis
01/2023: One paper on LLMs robustness accepted by EACL 2023
10/2022: Invited to serve on the Senior program committee at IJCAI 2023
10/2022: Invited to the TWEB Distinguished Reviewer Board
09/2022: Hosted MLNLP seminar on Trustworthy AI
08/2022: Invited to be a reviewer for Nature Machine Intelligence
05/2022: Invited to give a talk on GNN explainability at DataFun on June 25
05/2022: One paper accepted by KDD 2022
05/2022: One paper accepted by ICML 2022
01/2022: One paper accepted by ICLR 2022